I started writing this over the weekend, but due to some connectivity issue with our PC I couldn't get it finished so as I have a few minutes at work to jump on-line I thought I 'd get this up! There are more pictures to come..let's just say technology is not being my friend right now!
This past weekend was a fun and exciting weekend with lots going on. Cordelia had her Summer gymnastics show. It was bitter sweet as it was on a Sunday morning so we had to miss church and that just didn't sit well with me. But I also didn't want her missing out on this experience. They do two a year, so we decided to attend this one and skipped the one that was earlier in the new year.
Cordelia was very blessed to have not only Ben and I there, but also her great grandmother (aka Mom-Mom), her Grammy and her Pap Pap and Olivia ( a close family friend who she loves).
Here are all the "proud family" pictures first : )
Grammy and Pap Pap |
Yeah! Mom Mom |
That's my kid!! |
Family photo op |
Group picture minus Olivia |
Group picture minus me |
Okay now to the good stuff the program. They had four skill stations set up. 1) was floor 2) was vault 3) was beam and 4) was bars. I have a ton of video and forgot about the cool feature on my phone that lets me take pictures while recording video! (I don't think you really want to see all the videos) Plus with my little technology issue right now, this was the only other picture that I could get up. Here is what I got! Enjoy the video of her beam routine!
Waiting patiently. |