Monday, July 14, 2014

The Move!!!

This move seems to have been the longest move ever!! I felt like I packed a million boxes!! We are so grateful for wonderful neighbors who were able to supply the million boxes from ones that get discarded at work. Knowing the space restrictions we were going to have to get accustomed to we did sell as much as possible. We were also able to take one load in the trailer when we visited in March, but you never know how much stuff you have until you move.

Why is there still more things to be packed!! And I really should think about taking down the pictures on the wall!!

What a mess!!
 I tried to stay as organized as possible but on day 5 of still packing boxes things went a little down hill! We had planned to hit the road on Wednesday night/Thursday morning around midnight but still had so much to do that we didn't get on the road until Thursday night/Friday morning around 2am (we were shooting for midnight!!)

 We used ABF U-Pac as they worked out the most economical and we didn't have to drive a big truck for 9+ hours. They dropped the trailer off on Monday and picked it up on Thursday. They said it would take 2-4 business days to deliver it to us in SC, and with the holiday I thought it would be awhile but they called me the Monday and were able to deliver the trailer on Tuesday afternoon!!

We thought we had everything and locked the trailer. Then we realized that we left several things off. Oops!

 So once we were on the road we made really good time. Because the trailer was soooo weighed down we had to stop often for Ben to refuel. We only had a few hours sleep before hitting the road so were quite tired but were eager to get past DC and Richmond, VA. We made good time and didn't hit any traffic so stopped and took a nap literally when were 1 mile outside of Richmond.
JuJu enjoyed her throne!
JuJu had the pleasure of traveling with me in my car while Jada and Bella got to spread out in the back of the Jeep with Ben.

My view for the entire trip!

Are we there yet!!

We're so close

 I did get a break from the crazy mayhem of packing when I went to work! The team I worked with were so sweet and threw me a going away brunch. Thank you again ladies!! I miss you!

 So I suppose I now have to update my facebook info to make the move official!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Cordelia's Spring Gymnastic's Show!

 Cordelia had her Spring Gymnastics's show a few weekends ago! She had such a good time. We are so proud of her. Enjoy!!

Beam routine



Cordelia's 1st Trip to NYC

So a few friends had mentioned that I was such a stickler making Cordelia save all her Christmas money. My thought was she was so young and hasn't quite grasped the value of money so while I can I should sock it away for her. Also, I didn't just want her to blow it all on fruit snacks...because with a 6 year old that could happen!! Well several things happened. First, Ben and I had taken a few trips into New York City to visit the temple and Cordelia had of course felt left out! She wanted to go to New York City and second a friend had mentioned that Broadway did buy one get one free tickets at this time of year.

A light bulb went off...I could take Cordelia to New York City and she could get to see a Broadway play now that would be a judicious use of her Christmas money! So I started to plan...a lot of the shows were on a Thursday afternoon and evening which wouldn't work with school and work but finally I found a Friday afternoon showing of Cinderella.

So the plan was set we'd ride the train up in the morning, have lunch, try to get to FAO Schwartz and see whatever else we cold get into before the 3pm show.

***This was the Friday before Superbowl weekend I had no idea until Thursday afternoon when I got an alert from the company I brought our tickets through Time Square was crazy!! There was a sea of police and so many people***

All aboard-getting ready to ride the train from NJ to NY

Selfies on the train...we're so excited!

We made it, Cordelia was so excited we got to visit the temple.
 The Thursday before we left it dawned on me that Cordelia's Aunt maybe in the City the same time as us! So I got on the horn and it turned out that she would be there and that we could "bump" into her for lunch! It was a life saver as my phone battery dies at the drop of the hat and Lia could hang with us until we had to go to the theater. So we could use her phone to navigate around.
Unfortunately, Spiderman didn't drop by while we were there! But the place was hopping!

Riding the subway..eating fruit snacks!!!

FAO Schwatz-The lego's were amazing!

Let me tell you your fortune!
The big piano was so much fun!
  Cordelia did get to play on the big piano
We had the best view from our seats!

Cordelia and I had such a great time...we felt so blessed that Cordelia was showered with Christmas money to make this trip happen. Thank you Great GrandMom, GrandMom and Great Grammy and Grampy!!