Thursday, April 4, 2013

Financial Peace University

So over 5 years ago one of the most amazing things happened in my life...I became a mother. For many when you experience a major life event, things fall into perspective. One of those things for me was my finances.

My precious pumpkin!!

So I have to back up a bit. Before Cordelia came along I thought it was okay to live paycheck to paycheck, to have a credit card with a recurring balance and only pay the minimum balance, to buy a house 100% financed and the last big financial mistake I made was when I got my last big pay raise I  brought a brand new car on finance (it only had something like 30 miles on it when I drove it off the lot). 

What's the matter with that? it's normal right?? Well let me tell you normal sucks! I can't remember how but I came across Dave Ramsey when I was about 6 months pregnant and something inside of me clicked I think I was finally tired and fed up of working hard and not having a thing to show for it especially any money. After researching his teachings on-line I remembered a conversation I had had several years before with an acquaintance explaining to me that being debt free is the best and cash is king and I seriously thought they were crazy and argued that I needed my credit card. Wow how I was eating my words now!

Well I got as gazelle intense as I could before Cordelia was born, I even sold my car! I was blessed as it was a Honda and had kept its value so I only had to come out of pocket $500 to get out of that deal. I think that was the last $500 I saw for awhile as I remember it taking me forever to even get my mini emergency fund.  But I persevered! After my mini emergency fund was done I really wanted to go through Financial Peace University (FPU), when Cordelia was about 9 months I found that a local church was running the course and they provided free child care..Another blessing. I really enjoyed the course and the community that I felt when attending.  

This little box changes lives..well the content does!

The biggest things that have helped me through this journey and still do, is the budget (I'm a geek so love it ) and the envelope system. I would encourage everyone to either attend FPU or read one of Dave's books. You'll be glad you did..the worst thing that could happen is you save some money : )!

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